I would look at a 2.05 valve for the intake and a 1.500-1.550 exhaust and use a known good 50* seat on both sides.

Without sonic testing I wouldn't use a 2.08 and a 50* seat. Plus, you'll get the bowl so big you'll have to make the port square to get enough area to feed the valve.

The 1.600 exhaust is a bit big, unless someone has blown the bowl out on that. Then you are stuck.

I'd flow the intake at 28 inches and then again at as high as the bench can go and look at the numbers. They are what they are.

Flow the exhaust and port as little as you can to make the port quite. What it flows is what it flows.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston