I finally got a chance to work this project Saturday. Here’s what I figured out. These cat whiskers that I removed from the car could not be oem. The car has been “ restored” and not very well at that. The car had hardtop ones installed. They even used the fuzzy short piece for the rear chrome protection. The outside piece with the part number was the incorrect style that had only rubber and no felt. I’m sure it was just the bulk part number cast into the part. I did discover one thing however. My only post car that I have definitely has the original parts. The top cat ones I have still do not match the oem ones that are on the inside of the window. The oem ones are thicker and seem to have more cloth on them instead of the stainless trim. The top cat ones appear to be the same ones as hardtop ones only painted black . I guess production cost just don’t justify the project if you have a part that works.