The EBC Reds are definitely an upgrade over regular semi-metalics. I still only get 5 big stops (60ish-0) before the brakes go away, but stop distance is improved according to my slightly scientific method of starting in the same spot and using the same landmark to jump on the brakes. I'd say 10-12 ft. on the 1st hard stop.

I use them in my brand X daily driver (01 Mustang Bullitt) with the 13" Cobra brakes on it. The EBC reds were a large improvement over the three sets of FoMoCo boxed carbon ceramic pads that preceded the EBC's. Full disclosure though, the factory Brembo rotors were turned 2x and I replaced all my rotors with EBC units with the pads.

Dust though, this might sound weird but I haven't ever really been concerned with it. Both cars have black wheels and the dust comes right off whenever I get around to detailing up the wheels. The stock Bullitt wheels with my snows on them are "Anthracite" in color, but no problems removing the dust from them. I really can't say I have observed anything related to dust, as I haven't paid attention.