The 70 E body dashes are still elusive for most of the manufacturers to get right, I have some 70 Barracuda dash pads that were done by Carolina Super Dash/Dash Pros (Alan Foxx) and I was more impressed by the finish/looks of these, than ones I had seen done by Just Dashes (reason I never pulled the trigger on Just Dashes doing the work)The 70 Challenger pad by Dash Pros "looks" very good/correct, but I haven't pulled the trigger on that, because 1: I have a mint 70 E body black single speaker Challenger pad to use on my Challenger, that I'd rather sell, even though it's been safely stored for 30+ years, 2: I'd rather put my faith in a newly made dash (new materials), and 3: I'm sure some of us have experienced installing that super nice "original" pad we scored, only to have it crack almost overnight! after a few days back out in the world, only to live with it, or pull it again, to either have it recovered/replaced...DAMHIK

Just Dashes 70 Challenger dash in these saved pics from 4 years ago, while better than nothing, is still lacking the really sharp lines the 70 Challenger stock pad has, grain is different (not a big concern for me, but for some) and it has a "puffy" appearance to it IMHO, and the emblem area and stitching just cry "close but no cigar" IMO, nice but not $1500+ nice...

Perhaps ABC Moparts might "pull a rabbit out of the hat" for 70 E body guys?

