Ok, five months later and I'm finally getting ready to paint after making my repairs. On closer examination of my dash, I've noticed that the textured surface has not been applied very consistently. For example, the ash tray is totally textured, while the glove box door is not at all (see attached pic). The dash itself is kind of a mixture, with some areas lightly textured, and some not much or at all. Is this common? Perhaps it was done rather haphazardly, in the same way the blacked-out area behind the grill was sloppily shot? Again, not a restoration, so it's not that important - just want it to look decent and somewhat correct.

Before shooting the textured, I'm planning to base coat the dash with a satin or low-gloss black. I've compared the existing satin finish on the glove box door with Eastwood's Underhood Black, and the glove box door is less glossy. It seems to fall somewhere between the Eastwood Underhood black and plain flat black. Any suggestions for a lower-gloss black than Eastwood's Underhood black?

Thanks for all help!
