Some of the expense might be due to technology. Don't forget, a lot of stuff (Especially for Mopar guys) is not on the shelf parts. A lot of what we order starts off with somebody getting to know the bigger picture, and a lot of parts we order are one off. Cad/Cam designs, CNC work are all programmed off of a computer program and custom robotic computers that cost some serious bucks. For someone to build the most custom Chevy piston, they probably just hit the "#1" button, add a widget and it's done. Someone would really have to spend time on a Mopar design. That costs money, and we end up being the people to pay for it.
As far as raw materials, who didn't see it coming that using USA steel was going to be no more expensive than China steel in the near future? We make good money, here in the states. It's going to cost us a little more to make sure that we can still continue to earn a decent income. Just consider it a really big union and these are the dues that we have to pay.
