I saw this on Bangshift.com this morning and smiled--I used to own that Dart--well...the tale went like this--local big $$$$ guy wants to relive his youth and go SS racing--calls me wants a 68 Dart to start on--I bought that Dart from my neighbor for around $500--my son and me gave it the old hose down and hose out treatment--vacuuming the mice out of it then delivered it as a "core" IIRC for about $2800 range--we were so happy!! Buyer delivers to Ken Keir in MD--picks it up as a $72K roller ready for action--well after a few Barton Hemi's and a season worth of spending it went to Barton himself and the rest is Hemi history--I remember when I loaded it on the trailer the upper control arms were loose so we wedged a hunk of fire wood in there above the lower control arms to load it ( well..it was what was handy)
Ahhh....the good old days!!
Photo grabbed from Bangshift not sure who to credit to but Thanks for the use