Originally Posted By 86 Shelby GLHS
The internal combustion engine (ICE) needs to go away. Die. RIP. Throw a rod. And I don't mean our collector cars. I mean as a mass commuter tool. It's what, 160 year old technology? We're in the year 2018, and it's still around?! Have we really been that dumb and lazy all these years that we haven't replaced it yet? Look at all the things that once existed and have been replaced by new technology. Yet this crude, antiquated air pump still holds us hostage.

Gas, oil, coolant, power steering fluid, gear oil, exhaust pipes, catalytic converters, radiators, oil coolers, filters, turbos, intercoolers, fuel injectors, pumps, hoses, belts, gaskets, and so on and so on. And yes, we still have...CHAINS! (or timing belts, but still the same function). My bicycle has a chain. In any case, cars are a disaster! They look like something put on life support vs a clean, functioning piece of technology.

If it's electrics that will replace the ICE, then let's go full charge into it. I don't care if some of my tax dollars subsidize it. It's better than filling up my tank and having those dollars go to the Mideast. Take all the aid we give to other countries, many of which are our enemies, and put it into electrics.

Thank you ICE. You've been fun. We had a lot of great times; lots of memories. If we feel nostalgic, we'll bring out the old scrapbook (which, by the way, has also been replaced with new technology) and reminisce. But the time has come or will come soon. Start packing your bags and don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.

You could be instrumental is starting this "new Program" of phasing out the ICE by lobbying with your nearest Big Oil company...let us know how that goes