
Mopar Guy Stuff
Racers Hangout
first time's down the track for the 64 at monster mopar.

Racers Hangout

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4 minutes ago

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2009
Local Time:
12:54 PM

I had a great birthday weekend at Norwalk. I took both of my cars. my 65 was spot on as always running low eleven fourtys. i just need to get my driving better. to many red light's. the real excitement was the 64. my very first pass ever down the tack I just rolled out and ran it to the eight mile and costed through. it went 6.965 at105.14 mph with a 1.799 sixty foot. the next run I decided it was time to put on my big boy pant's and just send it. well that was bad idea. the car made a pretty hard right turn towards tree. gathered it up and putted it down the track. my chassis guy was there so checked the four link bars. the right side lost its preload. he was not worried about it said a new car moves a round and knew we would have to reset it. we reset it and waited for first round. I had no idea what index to choose so I guessed and said 10.50. ends up I had to race my friend mike ortel heads up. I told him not to redlite. I had a feeling I was gonna be faster than 10.50. so mike and myself did our burnout and staged up. I was a little timid about a hard leave so I left at eighteen hundred rpm's. the car went straight and I went for it. I went 10.080 at133.94 mph with a 1.461 sixty foot and broke out. lol! I was pretty happy to say the least. so sunday I changed to 10.00 index. on my q/run I went 9.969 at135.14 with a 1441 sixty foot. leaving at eighteen hundred rpms. that was my first time ever in the nines. first round I red lighted and lost. but the car went9.963 at 13533 mph with a 1445 sixty foot leaving at eighteen hundred rpms. I know there is more there to be had and the car should go quicker. I want to thank my engine builder tony de pillo and my chassis builder George shifflet for all you have done to help me with the car. I also want to thank all of my friends and family who supported and helped me on the car.

64HEMI330SEDAN, 4 minutes ago
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Racers Hangout


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