Here are some progress pictures of dad's 300-G. He had this car for 14 years or so and did nothing with it. It was originally a white car, he had it painted red. Once it came out of paint, which took forever, it just sat inside and never went together. Finally, something got in him and he decided to throw the car together. Dad didn't want the 413 with 2-4's on it, instead he put a 5.7 hemi in it. He has the factory push button working the 5.7 so far. Everything has fit great. He just got the march pulley system in. Sadly, march didn't have anyone try it before making it. Dad found a bunch of issues with it, which they have now corrected. He just got it all working after making quite a few pieces.

This is the car he's taking on the hotrod power tour. Since I'll be in the viper, I might have to borrow some trunk space! Sorry for the bad pics, they were done with my camera phone.