Originally Posted By RustyM
She's beautiful !

From my perspective- it did not hurt body lines at but rather made them more readily apparent by reducing clutter.
On these cars, drip rails often seem "busy" to me.
Not on every car, just some.

Any chance you could share more pictures and some info on flushing out the windows- i agree that makes a big difference.

Just a beautiful car man.
Would love to know who did the work.

Thanks man- really.

I and friends did most of the work...I have had stuff done but have redone ALLOT of that...so if anything I worked with their ideas and execution. Jerry Tormala (Gdemon) did the paint/body but again he allowed me to help him so the fit and finish was 'expensive' from a time perspective...I am really happy with what Jerry has done he has been a great help. I only said to him..."I wonder if it would look good without drip rails... about 2 hours later one side was all but finished with putty...but really it is a matter of taste...Jim Sciortino on here has/had? a black 1972ish Dart swinger and his shaved rails inspired me to do the same.