I just cut the area where the legs are solded into the PCB...

I have the pic around. Will edit and post this reply when I find it.

I in fact disassembled completelly ANOTHER unit, to test EVERY component one by one, to find EVERYONE was perfect but just the power transistor went bad. That was the one I made the first test with the closer transistor I found Locally to the right one and get success fixing iot, although temporally

This was with the Chromed ECU, which the back filler is more like a rubber so was easy to cut it... Some other fillers are more like a jelly stuff

didn't find the old pics but since the ECU with the real NOS Motorola transistor is still in hands, just took new pics. The black gaffer tape is temporal. Once tested, will fill it back with black silicone.

There is a thread I made long time ago at DC.com board showing the fix and test procedure on the first box, but pics were lost due an old imageshack breakdown ( closed free accounts ). I know still have the pics on my PC but couldn't find them yet.

Last edited by NachoRT74; 03/13/18 02:05 PM.

With a Charger born in Chrysler assembly plant in Valencia, Venezuela