Originally Posted By therocks
He asked for cheap.Maybe over 400 is cheap to you but not everyone.Had decent ground clearance on the Charger with Summits.Yeah stering went thur the DS tubes but fit was still good.One set on my plow truck I got 10 years.Not bad for cheap under 100 buck headers that lastedin salty Ohio.The set on my jeep lasted as long also.Rocky

He asked for cheap, but also asked for not going under the steering linkage. On an E-body that combination starts with the Dougs mentioned above. Truck and Jeep headers don't add much to the conversation because even the cheap ones route with plenty of clearance to other components and ground clearance usually isn't an issue. On an E-body with the stance of the two in OPs post, cheap headers will be low to the ground. Unless you drive very careful the drivers side will end up with dents eventually.

I've run cheap headman and cheap summit about 10 years apart. Summits were thicker flanged and seemed better built, but with the gap in years headman may have improved theirs too. Look up the installation instructions, Jegs is better about a convienient link than summit. I'd bet money the cheapies still wrap under the center link especially if it lists the same application as fitting a bodies also.

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