The "high end" is affected---but not much. When the market dropped so much, a lot of high end people paused for a while---then resumed their spending habits. And they are still spending serious $$$ for serious cars. Most of the high end people get more off their investments than they can spend anyway----so why slow down?

Case in Point:
1. A friend has a large street rod building business(employees 13 people). Their business slowed last November(election shock), but now they are booked out 15 months. Their street rods generally start at $100K+.
2. National record holder drag cars are selling for the same amount as two years ago. Sales may take more time---but the price isn't dropping.
3. New stock car chassis are booked out as long as ever---but used chassis are getting cheap. Front running oval track guys want new chassis, used chassis go to "back markers".

My comments may not be scientific---just my observations.