Thanks for the kind words. We will allow a transbrake, but if you use it you must dial to the nearest tenth. Otherwise must dial to nearest half tenth. The only electronics otherwise is a two step for stick cars in deference to the guys who have to clean up the starting line. 68Lar, who posted earlier, has one of the cleanest 4 speed Road Runners around, and there are several of them.

The reason for the .4 tree is exactly level the playing field. It is equally challenging whether you've sat it out for thirty years or if you are a killer bracket guy. That is exactly what we want. We've had a lot of different winners, and, that, too, is what we want. We want it to be fun deal, not a killer bracket event. The rules are on our facebook page.

Keystone Nostalgia Drag Racing Series

Last edited by Steve1118; 01/05/18 01:05 PM.

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