on finalizing the ign with the "vac gauge method" do not T into the can, go strickly off manifold. As you twist the dist the idle speed will rise so keep reducing the idle speed back to your lowest/normal in gear RPM which is what it will be at stoplight to stoplight. then when the vac in hg is highest then go back till the in hg drops 1" of vacuum & reset the idle speed if needed then see if it will crank OK when hot & if it balks then drop the INITIAL not the vac (1) degree & repeat. You would only T into the can if you are going to tune on manifold as opposed to ported & I know that is what Don at FBO is into & some people swear by it. I have no exp with it so I cannot say if it is the way to go. I'm thinking there still might be another issue tho besides this.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth