I'm not even sure I'd want to invest the money to test the block. I think I would just pass on it.

That entire engine was whipped to death. Loose timing change, spun rod, even the cam looks like dog crap.

You know at least one rod is bad, may as well buy a new set.

You can be pretty sure that the block needs bored so the pistons are useless.

Odds are real good the water pump is a death to death as the rest of the engine. Replacement is a matter of course.

So only the block is of any potential use and it would not surprise me in the least to find out that cleaning, magnafluxing and pressure testing the block costs about half the asking price.

So, what can you find for $900?

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.