I am still learning,,,and follow ALL of the above advice, very good info.

I have found using a WEATHER STATION... is a big plus.

I thought my car was "changing" from day to day,,,or track to track,,,when actually the weather was playing a huge role,,,and when you crunch the numbers into the weather station,,,,and take out the variables,,the car was about the SAME....as far as what it was doing or wanted...

I learned alot about it this past summer,,after using the weather station,,and charting every run....

Mid way thru the season,,,i could punch in the weather parameters,,,check my log book,,and know what the car was going to do that day,,,,or as the weather changed...

I was able to go a few more rounds than usual, which was cool for me.

What i need to do,,,is figure out what "settings" the car wants for various weather conditions,,,,so i know what "jet" to throw at it,,,

I didnt TOUCH any jet settings all year,,,and watched the car pick up and slow down based on the weather alone....

this is just my observation,,,,Mike (Mr P body),,is pretty savvy on this stuff as well...

before i used the weather station,,,,i was running around changing all kinds of stuff,,,(jets/timing/etc),,,but not knowing if i was going in the right direction or not,,,and then started thinking something was "wrong" with the car,,,,especially when it slowed down....come to find out,,,it was the weather changing the car...not the "car itself"
again, i was amazed at how much the weather condtions affects stuff....


Last edited by 69CHARGERMD; 02/28/09 12:41 PM.