I'm going to print this and put it on my mother in law's fridge. She had a stroke 2 days after my daughter was born, and has had some very small ones since. She's 80 and recovered about 80-85%, had she known more, she could be even better.

And this is probably a good point too, those of you with elderly parents, keep an eye on their medications. Her stroke was self induced. She was on Cumiden, (sp?)a blood thinner. She forget she had already taken it that day and took it again. Then, she got a headache and took aspirin for that. Aspirin is also a blood thinner. Her blood got so thin that her brain started hemoraging. Fortunately, my sister in law was here from Texas to see our new baby, had she not been staying with Mom, we surely would have lost her. It was iffy there for a few days, trying to get her blood back to normal along with concerns that it would start clotting and cause additional harm. Now my wife goes to her house several times a week to organize her pills and make sure she stays on her schedule.