Originally Posted By DAYCLONA
Or you could pay the $1500, sit on it for years hoping to reunite it with the car, only to find out the original car is long gone,or the current owner doesn't care? or already has a "matching numbers" driveline in it, does the OP want a build-able motor, or does the OP want to play good Samaritan and reunite the long lost block with the hapless soul searching grieving owner? say the OP buys the block, advertises it, is contacted, only to find it was stolen years ago, now has to deal with a miffed owner, or insurance company...

IMHO, buy the block if it's within your price range, rebuild it, mill the pads off, re-stamp it with #'s of choice or leave it bare, done deal...

That would be fraud.

Not many here are fakers & frauds.

Encouraging others to commit fraud is VERY low class.