
What I mean is most cars I see at shows have plastic fenders, doors and such, very few all steel cars.

I would say that the ODD cars are probably all steel parts, I know when i built my humpback panal truck I had to save the fenders and running boards as no fiberglass parts were available .when i did my wifes 34 ply sedan i went with glass fenders,splash aprons and gas tank panel, because it saved a lot of time trying to find steel stuff, Just pick up the phone and order them
I dont have a problem using glass parts on a steel body, If a car I bought had steel parts with it I would use them.
I bought a 33 ply coupe body and when it gets built it will have glass fenders.
as far as the ford street rods go the real steel parts have dried up many years ago so many of the car built now have gone to glass to be able to enjoy them Ron...