Ok, in a previous post I was asking if oven cleaner would work and I got a bunch of replies as well as suggestions.

Having heard its the cats azz I would have used a hotsy and pressure washed it off but that wasn't an option so ...

Once before I had hit it with a needle scaler without much luck BUT I had previously ground the needles to a point because I was trying to peen an intake (that didn't work). So, I ground the needles flat and tried again and VOILA, it works awesome.

Here are a couple tips ...
- needles need to be flat at the ends - flat but sharp so grinding them is a good idea.
- you want a low angle of attack so that the needles chip it off as opposed to digging in.
- hold the tool hard against the panel and push hard and fast - it will peel the stuff off as fast as you move the tool. Go over the area if need be.

The scaler does a great job in the tight spits too.

Here are some pics. I did one whole wheel well in 20 minutes INCLUDING the cleanup !!
