Pistons can be made to any diameter but rings are a different issue. You'll have to spend some time on the internet looking at catalogs but I don't know of any rings between 4.320 and 4.350. It just isn't a popular size. Sometimes you can get lucky and find the size you need from another engine but I don't know of anything in the 4.330 size.

You might talk to your machine shop and see if they are comfortable using a 4.320 file fit ring at 4.330 bore size. Maybe order a set of rings and see if it will work or not. There might be enough material in a 4.32 file to fit set to allow you to run 4.330 but I've never tried it. I've used file fit rings at 0.001 or 0.002 larger bore size but not 0.010 larger.

Also, if you are only going 0.010 over you'll most likely need to hone to the next size rather than bore. Make sure the shop is willing to do that. Depending on their hone they might not want to spend all that time.

In short I'd say that unless you are some sort of max effort Super Stock racer it is better to just do what everyone else does. Order 0.030 over pistons and bore and hone the block to match.