Originally Posted By jwb123
My vote is for the aluminum drum with the steel sleeve, and aluminum piston, light weight, is easy on the band. I never tried a back to back test on 1/4 mile times. But since the drum has to be stopped by the band for 2nd gear, the lighter the drum the less stress on the band. Plus it is better material so it will not explode like the stock drum at high RPM'S

If you knew the facts about a stock drum blowing up you
wouldnt say that last line of your statement.. a stock
drum is fine IF you dont trash your over running clutch..
if you trash the over running clutch you then spin the
drun 2.2 times the engine rpm.. DONT pedal the engine while
your still in low gear( if you spin.. SHIFT).. if you
trashed the over running clutch the drum can take ABOUT
6600 rpm before it reaches the point that centrifugal
force will let it blow.. I'm still running a stock drum
and have been since I started racing(a number of years now)..
if you dont do stupid stuff you wont have a problem.. but
of course a lot of people will say it will blow.. BS..
dont do stupid stuff... OK now all of you can say I'm wrong..
but I've still never blew one up.. and I turn at least 8200 rpm
on every shift.. also this is in the same boat that if you
put a bolt in sprag, your fine.. more BS.. a bolt in sprag
is for one that spun in the housing