Originally Posted By Morty426
Originally Posted By DAYCLONA
Originally Posted By Morty426
Originally Posted By chargervert
I remember my great uncle had a black 70 Chevelle with a black and white houndstooth vynal top. He bought it brand new like that.

In Danville, CA we had a 70 Camaro that had a green and white Houndstooth top.

It wasn't pretty.

My Grandmother had a 69 Rebel SST, white with a black and white houndstooth top, also bought brand new, my Uncle owned an AMC dealership (so everyone in the family had an AMC at some point in time)...she was kind of hip, I remember she had sunglasses with black/white houndstooth pattern on the frames, that she wore when she drove her Rebel, and like most "hotrodders" back in the day, I remember when she bought a set of slightly used slotted chrome mags from a local gent (while at the bar! no less) for it shortly after bringing it home

And what AMC did you have?

I never owned one, although my uncle always was the consummate salesman as most of the family members had an AMC product, but I did enjoy driving a few 69-71 AMX's, Machines, Javelins, Mark Donahue Specials that my cousins owned including a 69 SC Rambler, after 74 AMC performance cars (Javelin AMX being the only thing left) were non existent, as the years rolled by my Uncles dealership took on the Renault line, then the Eagle line, eventually it folded in the late 80's-early 90's

I do wish I had kept all the AMC promo models and dealership displays over the years that I was given, but eventually they were given away or hit the trash

I have to admit to driving an AMC Pacer, what a POS! I cringed being seen in that!