yes, you need the 392 "center sump" pan which is a 360 pan, number stamped on the bottom in big letters, cant miss it). the front sump is ~8" long and starts ~4" back from a vertical plumb line straight down from the very front of the pan lip. it uses a specific pickup with a sharp bend in the middle (I think pics are on my old computer but I will check for you). hold the 64-66 A body 273 mts up to the 360 block & you will see on the one side (I forget which side) where you just weld a simple triangular ear to the mt so you can use a 3rd bolt cuz you need (3) thru bolts on each side/mt. (other mt is fine as is). 273 V8 ex manis fit but are VERY restricted (1&7/8 outlet). Score some 92/early 93 magnum ex manifolds which have a 2&5/16 outlet (later ones look identical but have the same 1&7/8 outlets as the 273 manis do). the good ones might run you 100-150. the DR side one might need slight column mods (early A tolerances are the worst) but they are my faves. definitely go with the 904. Holler if you need more info.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth