Originally Posted By NachoRT74
2 speeds switches are 2 clicks so 3 positions ... off, low, high

3 speeds switches are 3 clicks so 4 positions... off, low, mid, high

B body 71 switches are one year production, hence harder to find and expensive. Even more if Rallye cluster

72/74 are maybe easier and cheaper. Wiring is the same BUT NOT THE PLUG OR PRONGS DISPOSITION. You can try to get a 72/74 and try to find the plugs what shouldn't be hard to find at any JY. Rallye and Standard cluster, 2 or 3 speeds, all plugs are the same.

The diff between Rallye and Standard cluster is just the shaft lenght

71s got tipically variable speeds switches. No click on it aside the on/off one, but then a continuous sweep from low to high

Nacho, thanks for the education!!

I didn't know about the difference between the 3 speed switch and the variable switch. Like you mentioned mine must need the variable switch. I'll have to pickup a used switch and hope that it works because I can't see spending $300 for a NOS one!

I really appreciate you spending the time to help me with this!!