Driving at night last week on freeway with headlights on bright(still dim enough that on coming traffic cares not a wit). Had gone some 20 miles or so, all was well when without notice headlights went dark.

Turned switch to off and back to on. Lights illuminated ok, but within 30 seconds dark again.

Repeated this cycle 3 or 4 times, then believing that perhaps curcuit breaker was overheating, hit dimmer switch and made it on home with no further problem.

Did long drive put enough stress/load on old circuitry that it overheated causing circuit breaker to do what it is supposed to do, or is circuit breaker merely old and itself exhausted? Or perhaps a bad ground, connection, switch causing this problem.

Switching to dim on the lights successfully gives me a clue that circuit is taxed and/or overloaded.

Appropriately within this page of threads is a thread discussing 'relays' to support lighting system. Is it time that I consider this, before I either burn the car down or have the lights go dark on some twisty mountain road. Will be contacting crackedback for relay options

Are there recommendations for dual headlight system for increased illumination and still retain the stock seal beam appearance. Prefer not to replace with the modern halogen or some such look.