John Kunkel, Not to hijack, but a question I've had for you for years...I like my forward pattern /stock overhaul MVB in my Clonerunner, BUT I always wondered at the freewheeling 1st gear.(Think this one is a cheetah)
I know you can frag the sprag if you are not careful when you get back on it from a roll, but WHY is that done for racing,(like does the MVB HAVE to be built that way?) and IIRC some MVBs now have coast braking in 1st?
Thanks, Bear

I'm 55 now, no time to waste. Not a week goes by that I don't hear about someone passing on.Let's get out there,smoke some tires,have a beer with a good friend,do what you have always wanted to do.I am pretty sure no one will ever say on their deathbed "gee I'm glad my life was calm and boring"