

I thought that was a twister hood only decal? And they never made any 340 duster twisters? Did they use that decal on 340 dusters in 72, I didn't think they did?

..The 340 stripe didnt have the twister guy in it on the 340 cars. Also the 340 numbers, arnt they suppose to be connected to the 1/4" stripe and not under them? Looks like someone added the 340 under the twister stripe. The 340 looks to be lower then the center feature line also. Just my

For 72,71 the 340 decal did not touch the stripe above it.....I believe 70 did however.....and the 340 decal did in fact go below the body line that you mention...for reference look at any vendors stripe/decal, Year one would be a good reference....

Last edited by dmoore; 03/12/09 07:04 PM.