We have an engine lost and found as well as a broadcast sheet lost and found. How about a fender tag lost and found? I'm sure there are more than a few owners who would love to find their original fender tag. Of course proof of ownership should be required and as most on here know, the tags should be in some sort of registry to make sure the cars are kept honest as well as the owners. Maybe post the reunion on here for all to know? I would like to see the hi impact color fender tags listed separately as well by car line, A-body, E-body, etc, etc.. I know several on here have tag collections, some cars have been destroyed/scrapped, maybe a list for those, maybe not? What say the "experts" on here? I know Barry has a large collection as well as a few others on here so lets help the guys missing their tags out... The tags could be listed only by color, or last 6 vin numbers, or model, something to help out the owners yet keep it legit so the tag police don't go crazy. Is it possible???? Maybe just post the vins and hopefully the owner sees it on here and contacts the tag owner with proof of ownership? Maybe just have owners of tag collections listed so people can contact them to see if they can find their original tags?