There is not much to go on here.
We don't know what you are expecting to do with the car, once you buy it, and other then how it looks in a couple of pictures, we have no idea what has, or what has not been done.

With no offense intended towards you, or the builder/seller. In my opinion:

The wheels are ugly, they would have to go.

I like something I can drive, the big, wide, rear wheels, along with what appears to be a pretty small aluminum gas tank, scream Pro Street to me. Pro Street cars are usually not great drivers. The wide tires also mean there is probably no trunk storage area, and probably no room behind the seats. I'd have to wonder how road friendly the rear suspension is, and if the rear tires are even DOT approved. If your into being a poser drag racer, and trailer your car to shows then putting around the fairgrounds with it, I suppose it may be a great car. With the use of a 318, with all the money dumped into the rear frame work,suspension, rear tires, and aluminum, I doubt its much of a race bread as it wants to appear to be. Sure, 318s can be built to run, but if your dumping all that money in, why no start with something bigger then a 318, like maybe a 340 or 360?

We still have no idea how well the car was built, or what condition it started as.

In that price range, there are many nice street drivers of the Mopar vintage.

The bottom line is, you have to know what you expect to do with your new street rod once you have it, then buy a car that was build towards what you expect to do with it.

If drag racing, and/or Pro Street is your thing, and the car has been well built, and you have the coin to buy this car, then add the power you will soon be wanting over what the 318 can provide, this may be a great starting point. If its not everything you have ever dreamed of, this could be the biggest nightmare you have ever bought. Gene