Many where will argue, but you should be fine. If you think about it, the pump won't be pumping any more oil most of the time. Most Mopars I've had run on the oil pressure relief spring (70-75 psi) almost all of the time while driving. Pressure and flow are directly related, ie the same engine will flow the exact same amount of oil so long as the pressure is exactly the same. If a pump is trying to put more oil into the engine, the pressure will go up (think about blowing harder and harder through a straw), and once it hits the relief point that extra oil is just bypassed. So... when you're under the relief spring pressure the high volume will be pumping more oil, but once you start riding that spring the amount of oil actually reaching your engine will be the same.

Like I said, some others will argue but it's pretty simple flow principles. Oh yeah, and I run a high-volume with a stock pan lol.

Darrah Heath