Originally Posted By John_Kunkel
Can anybody ID them for sure?

No, but thanks for the picture (just kidding). wink

Here is the way that I understand it, subject to correction of course, is that the early belltech dakota dropped spindle was cast off of a D150 part, and at some time it was changed to what they sell now. The early ones had the tie rod end arm more or less in the right place, the latter ones the arm was wrong and caused interference and major bump steer. The early ones would be like what you have and to my understanding the only other ones available (under many names) are made from the same casings as the early belltech.

So here is a crazy question, (blame the arthritis drugs) I think the original gen 1 spindle tie rod arm is a bolt on, could the back of the dropped spindle have the arm removed, machined, and the OEM arm bolted back on ? (damn hot rodders).