Originally Posted By fourgearsavoy
Well I get the point of the post rolleyes I remember loading a 5 foot trophy into the back seat of my Savoy after going 11 rounds with a stick car at D42. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for a week. I guess it's hard the get a view from the bottom if you never started there whistling
Thanks for posting this story up
Gus beer

My Dad started his Chrysler Dealership in the 50's he put everything he had in it and then some . We had wild game almost every day of the week to eat because it was free and fur trapping paid for xmas. We were pore to say the least but had allot of fun.

I started racing at the age of 16 with a 70 barracuda I bought wrecked with money I saved from Three odd jobs. I cost me 800.00 and most of what I had saved to finish it. I pulled it with a old yellow state truck I bought with a blown engine I fixed my self.

My dad put exactly 0 dollars into my racing as a matter of fact he still to this day hates racing to this day,I worked 70 plus hrs most of my life so i can go fast and am proud of it.

Now that I'm 44 I have a little nicer stuff but you wouldn't know it by just looking at me that I started from the bottom.

I race with a guy who has Two twin screw toters, a bad Ass top sportsman car, three dragsters and lots of spares. When we were kids he he had nothing but after 25 years of 80 hr weeks he has all that and a very nice business he built from the ground up.
You would not know his story by looking at him either

There are snobby butt holes at the track with lots of stuff and money But after racing all these years I would guess it off at less than 1%

God made cold beer,good friends,hot ladies and race cars don't spit in his face by pi$$ing and moaning about how life sucks!!!