Yep, only met the guy 3 times. he had heard of me & had called several times for advice over a several year period & on the last call he said he was getting ready to fire it & I volunteered to be there to help if I could. I did not have the dist advanced enough & he is thinking that my mistake was what caused it to lockup. Agreed I did not have it advanced enough but there was a mech temp gauge plumbed into a pump bypass & it reached 160 & was at that point for awhile before it hiccuped & died & that was at ~3.5-4 minutes. I really don't consider myself a good samaritan as it took me years to get people on here to leave me be and I deliberately do things out here in this apt complex to make people fear me and leave me alone (I like my privacy), everybody wants mechanical help & I dont know anything about modern cars which non mechanic people have a hard time grasping. I'm on disability for mental health issues & I spend most of my time watching TV, jogging and of course Moparts (the worse one of all!). he caught me at a good time on a rare good day & since breakin is so critical I wanted him to be sucessful. when the time comes if it is bearing related then that would elim the timing/heat issue.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth