Originally Posted By RapidRobert
I ain't done it at home but I will. there are some good utube videos I believe that will help & one guy said use salt instead of grease. I would get the camber plumb with a 2ft carpenters level vertical on the sidewalls and the toe in straight with a tape with st wheel centered & box halfway between lock to lock and the suspension height where you like the wheel fitment in the wells and drive it for several miles to settle everything then recheck/reset everything with a half tank of gas and your weight in barbells in the dr seat & tires aired up & front wheelwell/tire fitment OK to you and just me I would turn the cams to get max positive caster then bring the rear cam forward as needed till the camber is zero or a skosh neg & let the caster fall where it may & call it good & if the front cam(s) do need to be also turned to get plumb on the camber then that too. EDIT & first you'd wanna string it to get it level & I have some plates from Lowes that I will use when the time comes (stack them under each tire till the 4 sections of string anchored between the top plate and bottom of tire treads are level)
RR, a carpenters level on the sidewalls won't work well as the sidewall bulges more on the bottom.