Its a tough situation. These small tracks and series NEED car counts and not all these guys can have the best of the best and follow the rules to a T, because they simply can't afford it. Yes, you know a guy is not quite legal, but does what he have REALLY give him an advantage. If the answer is no, they usually let it go at these small tracks, small series and limited tech staff.

It's tough to make those calls. I have been on both sides, as both a racer and a track operator.

ONE thing, that has NEVER changed, is that it doesn't matter what you race it money, a jacket, a hat, bragging rights......whatever. There will be SOME who take it very serious and want to win at any cost. These guys will run off the guys who just want to race and have some fun. Ask anybody at a Mopar event who ever tried to run the KOS cars. The "fun" guys will only come for so long to get their teeth kicked in by the serious guys. It works the same way on some of the rules. You nitpick a guys car to death who is just trying to have some fun, he won't come and like I said earlier, you NEED those guys. They may only be "field fillers" but you got to have them. A class with only a handful of serious guys won't be a class for long.

We see the same at our local track, we have a guy with a twin turbo, smallblock Nova on leafs and drag radials. It is a TRUE street car, but it also hauls butt, to the tune of low 5s. So some of the "fun" guys are not going to make a lot of changes to come get their butts handed to them the track lets some stuff slide. I am sure it's the same everywhere.

Got to remember, most of these type classes are at local tracks where they are trying to give some of their career TnT guys a place to race and also cash in on the "Street Outlaws" or "small tire" craze. To me a class racer that goes out there and beats up on the fun guys, because he can win, has no business there, but you can't just tell me he can't race, if his car fits the rules. The tracks MUST have car count, or the class goes away