Originally Posted By jcc
This cutting the huge percentage wise holes in the TB crossmember seems to ignore the main purpose of the crossmember's function, and effectively weakens it, to gain stiffness of the FC. The TB crossmeber is ALWAYS taking load, except when on jackstands or wheelstand when airborne. The FC does not. I would strongly suggest thinking this solution, at this scale (size of holes), over very carefully, as it is hard to reverse. I mentioned and others have mentioned alternative solutions. twocents

So you cut holes-whatever and not weld them back to the new tubing (box or round)?? The x member is SPOT welded to the sill and SPOT welded to the front frame, now a tube is laid into the x member, welded all around, and the x member is weaker? I'm sure some person can botch this up with sloppy welds-poor fitment but done properly it will be stronger.