Originally Posted By Supercuda
Ehrenberg was spitballing when he wrote not to use the taller spindle.

The link I posted has actual numbers and testing done.

as much as i respect e-burger, i have always challenged that spindle deal for the simple fact that the "perfect" factory setup, due to the "exceptionally educated and trained engineers" is just a COMPROMISE in ride and handling for the uneducated masses who really don't give a big fig about how their car handles. else why is there such a huge deal made about eliminating the dreaded bump steer inherent in the "perfectly designed" factory setup ? plus the fact i have personally installed almost 40 sets of the "wrong" spindles over my lifetime and have had NOT ONE ball joint failure nor ANY alignment issues. these have racked up thousands of miles and some applications have been beat on like the proverbial "rented mule". in fact almost one of the first discussions i got into when joining up here was this very issue. i just asked "WHY NOT" ? at that time i had many of these spindles installed and running for years with no issues. why, you would have thought the end of the world and man's being was near ! a lively discussion it was indeed. the topic was still a hot issue every time it was brought up until the testing with numbers article was written, then it calmed down somewhat with e-burger still claiming the end is neigh. until just the last decade or so, the ONLY vehicles that truly had handling FACTORY ENGINEERED were the sporty types. all else was just a compromise for the masses because they hardly ever drove to the limits and they could just care less anyhow, as long as the ride was cushy and the car went in the direction it was pointed. and no, i don't have "SAE" after my name so don't hold that against me, please.