I feel your pain (minus the NY City traffic).

Back about '93, spent a year in Phoenix AZ.....

With my '76 Club Cab PU powered by a 440....

No floor insulation, felt every degree of the 440 coming up thru the floor.....

No AC.....

And black vinyl bucket seats. panic

Dry heat my A$$, it was still blazing hot. Oh! I had a sliding rear window.....it just helped move the air around to make sure I was cooked all the way around.

BUT, the truck NEVER did boil over, no matter how much traffic I got stuck in.

To give you an idea of the heat, weekends I didn't have to drive anywhere, my job was literally right across the street from my Apt. I would leave my truck parked under a carport, which was also partially covered by a tree. My truck had a mechanical temp gauge for the engine that the lowest reading was 100. A number of times I came home from work and that gauge would be at 120 or better never having started the truck. shock


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥