Originally Posted By John_Kunkel
Originally Posted By Sputnik

There are some rat rods that are simply cobbled parts thrown together but some are really well thought out and the craftsmanship is pretty cool.

Once again reality sets in, there is no universally agreed upon definition of "rat rod". If thought and craftsmanship is involved it's not a rat rod, it's merely an old school hot rod.
Ya, todays "rat rods" are kind of a made up thing. The definition, like "streetable", is pretty much up to the individual. Some are a good representation of the hot rods of old and some are just a clobbered bunch of parts. If you ain't over 60, you probably don't know the difference - and don't care. Those that are "tastfully" done are pretty cool. Unfortunately, those that seem to draw the largest crowds at shows are the clobbered bunch of parts ones. I guess everyone sees art in different ways? I see a lot of young people in to the 50's - 60's custom scene also. Same kinda thing. I can dig all of it if it's done to my individual liking. It's all car stuff, and that's good. Kept me out of the bars and doing bad stuff for most of my life.

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