My recently installed under warranty third set of TA's have now turned brown and look horrible.

I was at a event 2 weeks ago and saw a Roadrunner with TA's that had very nice raised letters. I asked the owner how old the tires. He's said 9 years old. I did note that the lettering was quite a bit more raised from the tire body than is on my tires.

At anothe event today at a very well known local high quality restoration shop. There was a 69 Camaro parked outside that looked as it had been recently dragged out of a lake. Had TA's on it that looked 20 years old. However the letters were white as a sheet and likely not cleaned for years. Took some photos.

I had scrubbed my tires with Bleache Wite, Simple Green and SOS Pads yesterday, the best that I could do is this sickly yellow. Note in the photos the whiteness of the likely non-scrubbed old tires on the Camaro.

As I suggest in earlier postings above,,,this staining is caused by the oils in the tire carcass bleeding up thru the lettering by osmotic action. . Where BF Goodrich, now owned by Michelin is screwing up is the mystery.

Still suspect a Coker connection on TA's as an answer. I have forwarded a link to this post to Coker to find if they have any thoughts on cause.

Note: Remain uncertain if they have any relationship to TA's. Michelin has been who I contact for warranty services. If nothing else perhaps Coker can suggest what is causing the issues. Michelin has been cooperative in warranty replacement of tires. Replacement tires start out as somewhat white but in short time they too are again stained badly.

Anyone with MT or Cooper rwl tires, how are they doing? I believe both versions are made by Cooper.

Was wondering if anyone manufacturing so called "stick on" white lettering is yet selling a kit to specifically improve the appearance of TA's to resolve this issue.

Plan to place a call to Tire Rack to find if they can shed any information with on issue and their experience. Perhaps build dates, build factories, tire sizes, warranty claims, any other information

Last edited by Sxrxrnr; 05/08/16 01:51 PM. Reason: Additional info