Originally Posted By MR_P_BODY
Originally Posted By 74Beeper
Originally Posted By MR_P_BODY
Put a remote filter on it.. way easier to change
the filter and you end up with more oil in the system
just make the lines big enough
you can buy all the parts needed from Summit.. the
plate that mounts on the engine and the remote filter
set up.. make your own lines with a radiused turn for
ALSO..on a R3 dont you have the mains priority oiling
(the inlet of the oil at the front china rail)

It an R3 Siamese bore 340 Resto block.... Externally it looks pretty much the same as any 340 block, internally is a different story.

I'm not sure about the resto block.. I assume it
oils just like a stock block so you wont have the
front oil inlet

What is this front oil inlet you're referring to? What is it's purpose?