Oh I just decided to do other things for awhile and take a well deserved pause, had a different job for awhile that took me to a few states, long hours etc. Had a bunch of my own tech problems to solve, not much interest in anyone else's issues...BTW Hawaii has internet, so even then I would still post :-)
Nope, still loving Washington, lots of good folks here, Car club is pretty cool, lots of respect even tho I'm like one of two Mopar guys...
Funny how people spend time getting to know you in the 'real world'
and are a lot less judgemental and arrogant than in cyber.
You? Still ripping it up in the Heartland?

I'm 55 now, no time to waste. Not a week goes by that I don't hear about someone passing on.Let's get out there,smoke some tires,have a beer with a good friend,do what you have always wanted to do.I am pretty sure no one will ever say on their deathbed "gee I'm glad my life was calm and boring"