I'm sure some sort of records were kept at that time, but no doubt the auto manufacturers go through a different system than the private individual. Like was said, these days we go through the RIV, but the RIV is not that old. Problem is there is no centralized agency that handles cars for the whole country, they are dealt with on a province-by-province basis. And every province uses their own system.

I know here in manitoba, records for that period are just gone. Floated away with the wind I guess. I know of a few cars that were permanently written off back in the day, but now are back on the road because record of them being declared as parts-only was lost, and somehow they managed to sit for a few decades and have someone bring them back from the dead.


Dispite what is written, there is no requirement for Canadians importing a vehicle into Canada to go through US customs or to do the 3-day notice b.s.. We can go down there and bring the vehicle in through Canadian customs and be done with it as long as the vehicle meets the vehicle standards.

I call BS there buddy. I just imported a quad from the US into Canada a couple weeks ago. When I got to the Canadian border crossing office, the first thing they checked was to see if I had gotten my bill of sale stamped by the american customs office. And the only way the american customs office will stamp it is if you give them 72 hours prior notice before showing up. No stamp = no okay from the canadian border guards = you are forced to re-export that vehicle back to the US.