Originally Posted By Cody
I made these videos to help anyone that wants to polish stainless trim themselves. You can make stainless look like chrome or stop at any point you are happy with the look. The end of video 3 shows the before and after.

Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTxR8LB9iek

Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc1iY08HU7w

Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWy9awGv6so

I do not do polishing work for others, but thought I would share in case you want to know how it's done. What I show in the videos is the way I do it. There are others ways to polish stainless too. I just enjoying sharing and helping others.

Yep, that process looks very familiar Cody. If you do enough cars, you learn to do much of that type of work in house because of the cost and needing the part NOW. I'm looking at a small mountain of stainless trim I will be starting very shortly for the pink tuna boat we are finishing up.

Excellent video's Cody, nice work. Unless you do enough stainless trim restoration, you really don't have a clue the time it takes to do that good of a job. I did all the stainless on a 68 Charger only because the owner was a REALLY GOOD friend of mine.