A friend of mine bought one when they first hit the market, and he disliked it so much that he gave it to me free. At the time I was driving a completely stock 1970 Barracuda Gran Coupe with a 318-2bbl and a 904 trani. Just fer kicks, I purchased a 2bbl to 4bbl adapter and bolted er up. The carb was useless to me too. BUT! I wanted to make it work, and I found out that for street driving, it has to be mounted sideways with a bell-crank style throttle linkage. That position alleviates fuel slosh from the fuel bowl. Additionally, the Predator has no idle circuit, but a kit was available, so I purchased it too. The kit installation required two holes to be drilled in the main body at 90 degrees from each other, and those two holes have to meet. There is no room for error, but I did it successfully.

When I finally fired it up, that Predator turned my anemic 318 into a down right street fightin' monster! Throttle response was instantaneous, and suddenly I could melt the tires off the rims! I loved it and drove it daily for 5 years until I sold it to finance... um well, that's another story!

Anyway, the Predator carb can be a lot of fun if you do those two modifications. However, I don't know if the idle circuit kit can be found or duplicated.