I had a horrible experience at a shop in Oceanside last Saturday that shall remain nameless.

Can someone please recommend a shop in the North County area of San Diego county that has experience aligning old Mopars? Prefer a crusty, crabby old guy who is at least 60 years old who has been aligning old Mopars for decades.

68HemiB (Steve) has kindly offered to come over again and help me do an alignment in my garage, but if I can find a shop that knows what they are doing I won't have to bug him and take up his time.

Read on if you want to know about what happened.

I looked up some Yelp reviews of them and they seemed to get a lot of positive reviews so I submitted a question on their website asking if they had experience aligning old cars and they said sure no problem, bring it down. So I made an appointment for 9 am Saturday.

I dropped it off, told the guy I was bringing it in because it pulls to the right, gave the counter guy the specs I wanted and asked how much it will cost. He said he didn't know it depends on if it needs shims. I said Mopars don't use shims. I go home and an hour later the counter guy calls and asks me again what specs I want.

A couple hours later they text and say it's ready. I show up and they show me their printout of the specs it is set to: 3.5 caster on the left, 2.7 caster on the right, toe is 1/4", don't remember the camber. [ Moparts Family Site - Keep it Friendly ]? I said I told you it was pulling to the right and how do you think making it have more caster on the left is going to help that???

Lots of back and forth, test drive to prove it's still pulling to the right, me asking why don't you just take some caster out of the left so it's equal to the right, them saying no we can't it's out of adjustment, maybe one of your springs is broken, me saying it doesn't have springs, it has torsion bars, etc...etc...They messed with it some more and know it pulls to the left!!!