Well, its Monday, still no truck. The guy stopped in today. He had just mounted a plow on it the week before he came and got mine. I'm letting him keep his new plow, I've done my time plowing snow.
We got dumped on with 16" of snow Fri/Sat, so he was busy plowing. Tomorrow he is pulling off his plow and bringing the truck over to me after that. Maybe it will be here by Thanksgiving, maybe not. I'm not really in a hurry, parking around her is pretty limited in the winter. I just re upped the license plates my 93 Dakota, and have another set of plates to renew in Dec, I will probably sit on it until spring, unless its really nice.......

At any rate, he told me today that he had just replaced the timing chains within the last year. He also said he had the head bolts replaced around 80K. Sounds like its going to be a nice driver, if it ever gets here.
I have decided to run it till it pukes, or until I get my 47 shop truck project finished, then I'll figure out what I'm going to do with it. Gene